14 Agustus 2013

Life, Laugh and Love

Who you are as a person ? your likes, your dislikes, your loves and hates. Is integral to what you write about and the part of your personality you show online (this is part of why criticism stings so much). Always ask yourself what can you do for make your happy? eat, hanging out with your bestfriend, make your family proud cause of you, or anything?

Dalam banyak hal, setiap orang memiliki hoby dan kegiatan masing-masing disetiap keseharian mereka, focus on  and aim for what you want, not what you think you deserve.

life, laugh and love

life, laugh and love by rhany-herianas on Polyvore

I don’t mean that in a mean way, but the heart of most relationships is that we have something to offer our companions.  Maybe your best friend always makes you laugh; you feel unconditional love and support from your family/boyfriend.

These are the things that matter most to people in the world, melakukan hal yang kita sukai dan menikmatinya, semua itu akan seimbang jika kita punya kehidupan yang sangat berwarna iya misalkan dengan aktifitas kita di sekolah/kampus atau mungkin pergaulan yang positive dengan banyak teman di lingkungan kita tinggal, lainya itu sudah memberi dampak positive untuk hidup kita .
love, hey i said love? cakupan cinta yg dimaksud disini begitu luas, yes you know what i mean,  that’s pretty amazing if you ask me.

Kadang, kita banyak dihadapkan pada pertanyaan yang menjengkelkan seputar kegiatan dan apa yang sedang kita kerjakan sekarang, baik dari orang baru bahkan orang terdekat sekalipun, even if it feels like no one else can see all the good that you are doing, be patient, stay inspired and stay positive.

Stay humble. Relax. Laugh a lot. (This is fashion blogging, after all.) Enjoy yourself and enjoy what you’re creating everyday. If it doesn’t make you happy? Do something to change it or do something else.

with love.

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