17 Agustus 2013

Let i tell..

Love is real, real is love. Love is feeling, feelling love. Love is wanting to be loved. Love - John Lennon

 When I thought about my past (and present) romantic relationships, I'd assumed that I'd been the one to say "I love you" first. I mean, that's what normally happens, right? we're the ones quickest to let those words tumble out of our mouths, right? I'd have sworn up and down that women say it first. Shocking, I know, man.

Baby i want you do be mine

Baby i want you do be mine by rhany-herianas featuring white tops

But what's even more shocking is that when a man says "I love you," that really matters. There's no more ambiguity as to what each person feels and wants. That means it's time for honesty.

Tapi kadang terlalu lama nya suatu proses pendekatan bisa bikin cewe jenuh, jika udah punya rasa sayang walau cuma sebatas gebetan, selagi rasa itu masih ada kenapa untuk tidak dikatakan sekarang? and that's a good thing.

I’ve been trying to build a daily gratitude practice into my life, bersyukur untuk apa yang dimiliki sekarang. banyak yang nulis di twitter tentang suatu kejadian yang bikin seseorang untuk mengeluh akan itu. Mau itu rasa sedih, senang, bahagia sudah tersusun megah di pikiran kita. Yes, mind. Bertutur kata baiklah walau sesakit apapun hati-mu "aku tahu rasa sakit itu" tapi lupakan. Tuhan itu adil semua yang tercipta di pikiran ini akan seimbang dengan semestinya lagi, i believe it.

 Like you actually made some small impact.

with love xx

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